Consecutive interpreting

comprehensive interpreting services for your company

Interpreting at company events

You invited renowned foreign guests to a conference organised by your company or organisation and now you are looking for a competent partner who will ensure efficient interpreting services?

Or maybe you purchased machinery from a foreign supplier who is going to conduct a training in your company and now you need a technical translator who will live up to the trainer's and your employees' expectations?

Interpreters for any kind of task

In the above-mentioned and many other situations Berlineo can provide an experienced interpreter who will rise to the challenge and take care of the image of your company.

Regardless of the place, time, language pair or the specificity of a material. Professional interpreters from Berlineo do a good job in every situation.

Hundreds of clients, both companies and organisations, have already witnessed that.

At a business meeting or study visit.

We will help you provide an interpreter for a business meeting or negotiations with a foreign business-partner.

Our interpreter will not only reflect the sense of your words in the language of your interlocutor, but also worthily represent your enterprise.

The safety of sensitive documentation

With Berlineo you do not have to worry about security of your data. Only people directly involved in the completion of an order have access to it.


Ask for a cost estimate

Berlineo Poznań

ul. Dolna Wilda 88B / lok. 10
61-501 Poznań

Biuro czynne w godzinach:

pn. - pt.: 9:00 - 17:00

tel. (+48) 61 62 32 555

faks (+48) 61 62 32 578

See also

Other services.

questions (+48) 61 62 32 555 or