Technical Translation German

technical translations - for professionals, by professionals

Technical translations from and into German

You should never leave translation of a specialist, technical texts to chance.

Technical translations are in most cases very challenging, therefore they should be prepared only by the most experienced translators.

Berlineo always makes sure that complex, demanding projects are completed by professional linguists whose experience is sufficient to meet the required standards, specific for a given job.

In the case of specialist translations we always closely co-operate with the client, in order to discuss the technical terminology involved.

Specialist translation software

Translators working for our agency use professional tools aiding translation processes.

That includes CAT software which allows to create translation memories and glossaries.
It also helps us offer our clients attractive prices and shortest delivery times.

Send an enquiry

Berlineo Wrocław

ul. Bolesława Prusa 71
50-316 Wrocław

Biuro czynne w godzinach:

pn. - pt.: 9:00 - 17:00

tel. (+48) 792 221 881

tel. (+48) 71 71 56 347

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